Defective Medical Device Attorney
in South Carolina

South Carolina Law Firm Helps Victims of Faulty Medical Devices

Learned South Carolina Products Attorney Protects Your Rights to Fair Payment

Medical devices can save your life, but they can also make you sick and kill you. Some are defective, cause illness, pain and injury, and even death to the patient. How awful for you to go through surgery only to find that the device is now causing you pain and making you sick? The trial attorneys at The Law Offices of David L. Hood and co-counsel have over 30 years of know how filing claims against the firms that make these devices. Let us get you the redress you deserve for your injuries and all your other losses!

Most Common Defective Devices

Medical equipment is designed to fix adverse health conditions in your body. The U.S. Food and Drug Adm. (FDA) oversees the sale of these products. Unfortunately, they sometimes approve devices that have not had enough testing. Some of the most common that have been recalled and have been the subject of lawsuits include:

  • Hips
  • Stents
  • Pacemakers
  • Mesh
  • IUDs

If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective medical device, call attorney David L. Hood now! He and co-counsel have what it takes to handle the complex task of taking on the huge product companies. Contact us at any of our statewide locations by phone, email, chat or text. We’re here to help you!

Products Lawsuits

There are different approaches we can take because your case and facts are unique to you. Our goal is to get the max for you and your family for all your injuries and losses.

Strict liability claims allow you to receive damages without the showing proof of negligence on the part of the defendant. Laws vary by state, but in principle, they allow you to obtain money by showing that your injuries were caused by a faulty product that was made or sold by the defendant.

Claims are based on the premise that the defendant owed a duty of care to those who were going to make use of their product. In the case of defective medical devices — mainly those that get put into your body — the company’s fault could fall under some of these categories:

  • Faulty research and design
  • Not enough product testing
  • Poor production practices
  • Not issuing a warning when the dangers first came to light
  • Failure to recall the product

As soon as a medical device has been found to cause problems or show defects, the company is required to notify the FDA. Failure to notify the FDA about a known defect may be considered an act of negligence. This may make the manufacturer liable for any illness, injury or death that occurs.

How Can a Products Attorney Help Me?

If you have been injured by a medical device, it is vital that you take action right away because there are deadlines for filing a claim. The research will take time, so it is urgent that we start collecting evidence and talking your doctor and other parties concerned.

Your defective medical device claim could include money for the losses you suffered including:

  • Current and future med expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost future earnings
  • Disability

Attorney Hood and co-counsel have access to a variety of experts who work with us in getting fair payment for your injuries.

Contact a skilled products lawyer today

Call The Law Offices of David L. Hood at 843-461-4528 or contact us online to schedule your consultation at any of our South Carolina offices. Our attorney and staff can also be reached by email, text or chat. If your injuries prevent you from coming to the office, we’d be happy to meet you at your home.