Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Stem Cell Therapy Safe and Effective
for Relapsing MS

Stem Cell Therapy is Safe and Effective for Relapsing MS (Multiple Sclerosis), according to recent studies.

“Stem cell therapy,” might sound like something out of a science fiction movie. But it’s a real medical treatment that has been researched for years.

First, let’s talk about MS.

In MS, the immune system damages the brain and spinal cord. This happens “when myelin, a white fatty coating that insulates the body’s nerves, is mistakenly labeled as a foreign invader, [and is then] attacked, and stripped from the nervous system by the immune system. Without insulation, neurons lose their important ability to conduct electrical signals.” (

The cause of this happening is unclear; but 2.3 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with MS.

  • Fatigue
  • Numbness or tingling in face, body or extremities
  • Muscle weakness, and spasms
  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • Sexual problems
  • Pain
  • Emotional changes
  • Walking difficulties
  • Stiffness
  • Vision problems
  • Bladder and Bowel problems
  • Cognitive changes
  • Depression

Relapsing MS is a type of MS where patients have episodes of worsening symptoms (these are called relapses) followed by periods of recovery. It’s like having good days and bad days, but with your health. What makes stem cell therapy exciting for Relapsing MS is that it aims to not only treat the symptoms during a relapse but also to help prevent future relapses, making the good days more common.

Stem cells are like the body’s raw materials. “Master cells” (as they are sometimes called) are produced in the bone marrow, and develop into the brain, blood, bones, and organs. ( They have the potential to repair or replace damaged cells in our bodies.

In the context of MS, “Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, or aHSCT for short, … involves harvesting stem cells from the person’s own bone marrow or blood.” (

Depending on the doctor and medical center, treatment protocols vary, but the general steps are the same:

  1. Chemotherapy is given for up to 10 days. “This stimulates production of bone marrow stem cells and promotes their release into the blood.”(National Multiple Sclerosis Society) Then blood is drawn and the stem cells in that blood are stored for later use.
  1. The patient is then hospitalized and given more powerful chemotherapy for up to 11 days, which kills the immune cells in the body.
  2. The stored stem cells are put into the bloodstream through a vein.
  3. An antibiotic is usually given to help combat infection.
  4. The immune system begins to rebuild itself. The patient will remain in the hospital for two to four weeks, possibly longer, depending on side effects experienced.

The big question: Is this process safe?

Recent studies and clinical trials have shown that stem cell therapy, specifically for treating relapsing MS, is not only safe but also effective. This means that for many patients, this therapy can help reduce the symptoms of MS and improve their quality of life. Of course, like any medical treatment, there are risks, and it’s not suitable for everyone. That’s why doctors carefully evaluate each patient to see if this therapy is a good fit for them.

“An MS specialist with knowledge of aHSCT can help you understand whether the procedure is right for you. They can discuss benefits and risks and review alternative options for treatment.

Studies show that aHSCT may be safe and effective for patients who:

  • Have relapsing-remitting MS
  • Are less than 50 years of age
  • Have had MS for less than 10 years
  • Have new inflammatory lesions on MRI and/or relapses despite treatment with a high-efficacy Disease Modifying Therapies (DMT) or are unable to take a high-efficacy DMT”


Clinical trials show aHSCT can reduce relapses, especially for people with relapsing MS. Some patients have more stable or improved symptoms.

Patients who have progressive MS had encouraging results when treated early in their condition, when there was still evidence of inflammation. aHSCT has also “been shown to slow clinical progression in a few people with early secondary progressive MS.”

“HSCT is not approved for MS in the U.S., where it is considered an experimental treatment, but the procedure is supported by the National MS Society for patients with very active disease who haven’t responded well to other disease-modifying treatments.” (

Because it is a very aggressive treatment, aHSCT comes with high risks and complications:

  • Increased, long-term risk of developing infections
  • Increased risk of developing cancer and autoimmune conditions
  • Early menopause
  • Fertility problems

Factors associated with increased risk of life-threatening side effects following aHSCT include:

  • Older age
  • Greater disability
  • Certain health conditions (for example, heart or lung disease) (

Of course, the chemotherapy itself has side effects as well:

  • Bleeding and bruising
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Hair loss

Also, patients who have a high level of disability before transplant may have more loss of mobility and worsened neurological function.

110 patients who had relapsing-remitting MS participated in a clinical trial at 4 US, European, and South American MS centers. Patients were randomly given either the HSCT treatment or another DMT (disease-modifying therapy), different from the classes they had previously used.

Disease progression: Only three out of 55 patients receiving HSCT showed progression after a year. However, 34 out of the 55 patients who received the DMT showed progression after a year. In the HSCT group, 2% of patients had disease progression after two years, 5% after three years, and 10% after years 4 and 5. By contrast, in the DMT patients, almost 25% showed progression of disease after one year, more than 50% after two years, and just under 75% at five years.

Disease Relapse: In the first year, 69% of patients relapsed in the DMT group compared with (2%) of patients who relapsed in the HSCT group. (

If you’re considering HSCT, talk to your neurologist to find out if it may be the right treatment for you.

Stem cell therapy is a promising treatment for relapsing MS. It’s been found to be safe and effective for many patients, offering hope for better management of this challenging condition. As research continues, hopefully, there will be even more advancements in this field, making the future brighter for those living with MS.

To find MS centers in South Carolina, click here.

If you or someone you care about has suffered because of medical negligence, please schedule your free consultation by calling the Law Offices of David L. Hood at (843) 491-6025 or filling out our brief online contact form.

We know how difficult it can be to deal with the immediate and long-term effects of a serious malpractice-related injury. At The Law Offices of David L. Hood, we work hard to make things simple for you. After a free case evaluation, if we believe we can help you and your family, Medical Malpractice Attorney David L. Hood, co-counsel, and our team of experts will vigorously pursue your case to get you the best result we can achieve. Let us put years of experience to work for you!

*Clients are not liable for any expenses, unless there is a recovery in their case; however, if there is a recovery in their case, clients will be liable for expenses. Attorney’s fees are based on a percentage of the recovery, which will be computed before deducting expenses.

Other online resources used for this article:

Wrongful Death Attorney

Pedestrian Deaths in US at 41-Year High

Pedestrian deaths in the US hit a 41-year high recently, which is a very concerning statistic. Whether you’re a student walking to school, a parent jogging in the neighborhood, or someone simply enjoying a stroll around town, this affects all of us.

recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) revealed that 7,508 pedestrians (the highest number since 1981) were killed by vehicles in the US last year. That’s an average of 20 pedestrians killed a day! (

So, why are we seeing so many more of these sad events? Road safety experts suggest several factors behind this trend:

  • A pandemic-fueled increase in reckless driving. “The pandemic brought an increase in reckless habits like speeding and texting while driving…since drivers encountered more open roads and fewer law enforcement officers. Though more people have resumed commuting and road congestion has returned, the dangerous driving trends show no signs of slowing.”
  • Skyrocketing sales of trucks and larger vehicles, which, “means that, in a collision, pedestrians are more often hit in the torso, which increases the likelihood of death.”
  • Higher rates of people moving to suburbs with roads that are not suited for pedestrians (more people walking with very few crosswalks or sidewalks).
  • The amount of distracting technology we are provided with now (cell phones, complex dashboard displays).

Pam Shadel Fischer, senior director of external engagement at the GHSA, said, “We’ve focused so much on making vehicles safer for the people inside, but we’ve sort of lost track of what we are doing for the folks outside vehicles to really address their safety.” (

There has also been a substantial increase in nighttime pedestrian deaths. In 2021, three in four pedestrian deaths were in the hours between sunset and sunrise. Pedestrians are harder to see in the dark because they usually don’t wear reflective gear or lights. And most outerwear is dark in color. Our roads also weren’t necessarily engineered with this risk in mind. Rebecca Sanders, the founder of Safe Streets Research and Consulting, said, “We literally taught generations of engineers to design conditions for daylight and not to consider nighttime” (

Also, cell phone usage seems to peak in the evenings, as people use their cell phones to coordinate social events, respond to personal voicemails, texts and other similar tasks.

The number of pedestrian deaths vary significantly from state to state. In some states with larger urban areas and more traffic, the numbers tend to be higher. But it’s not just busy cities that are affected. Rural areas can be dangerous too, due to higher speed limits and fewer sidewalks or pedestrian paths.

Behind only Florida and New Mexico, South Carolina is one of the most dangerous states in the nation for pedestrians. The Palmetto State has been ranked third most dangerous for pedestrians by Smart Growth America (an advocacy group) in its 2022 report.

“In 2021, 194 pedestrians in South Carolina were killed in accidents — more than three every week.” And unfortunately, fatality rates are only continuing to rise in The Palmetto State.

“Experts blame the problem on a combination of changing driver trends and poor design. But with a vast network of roads meant to transport vehicles, not people, there are few easy answers for South Carolina.”

Big cities like New York and Los Angeles often come to mind as more risky for walkers, due to their heavy traffic. But, the Daytona Beach area in Florida is the number one dangerous city for pedestrians.

However, it’s not just about the size of the city. Factors like the design of roads, availability of crosswalks, and how well traffic laws are enforced play a big role in pedestrian safety. In some cities, there are areas with few sidewalks or street lights, making it more difficult for drivers to see people walking.

Smart Growth America has ranked Charleston, SC as the fifth most dangerous city in the country for pedestrians! Columbia comes in at 16, and the Greenville area is ranked 17.

According to The Post and Courier, MUSC has cared for over 600 patients who sustained injuries as a pedestrian or bike-rider in Charleston, over the past five years.

A report by the SC Department of Transportation (SCDOT) reveals that, “traditional roadway design in South Carolina has led to streets without adequate pedestrian and bicycle facilities, vehicles traveling at high speeds, large, complex intersections and limited roadway and pedestrian lighting.”

SCDOT chief of staff, Justin Powell said, “In many cases, the roadways are simply outdated. They were built as corridor routes and weren’t meant to host pedestrians. As their use has changed, the state agency has had to change its approach as well.” (

How can we, as pedestrians, stay safer? It’s not just about looking both ways before crossing the street anymore. We should be aware of our surroundings, avoid distractions like texting while walking, and use designated crosswalks whenever possible. Wearing bright or reflective clothing at night can also make us more visible to drivers.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests:

  • Increase your visibility when walking at night – carry a flashlight and wear reflective clothing, such as reflective vests.
  • Cross streets at a designated crosswalk or intersection whenever possible.
  • Walk on a sidewalk or path instead of the road. Walk on the shoulder and face traffic if a sidewalk or path is not available.
  • Avoid using electronic devices like earbuds, which can cause distractions when you are walking.


Safety advocates in Charleston recommend the following solutions to cut down on pedestrian accidents and deaths:

  • No right turn on red.
  • Visible crosswalks.
  • Pedestrian signals with leading pedestrian intervals, which means the pedestrian gets a head start before the driver gets a green light.


While it’s great to see more people choosing to walk, we all need to be more aware of our surroundings and take steps to protect ourselves and others. Remember, safety starts with each of us!

For a Free Wrongful Death Consultation, Contact The Law Offices of David L. Hood

If someone you care about has died due to someone else’s negligence, please schedule your free consultation by calling The Law Offices of David L. Hood at (843) 491-6025 or filling out our brief online contact form.

We know how difficult it can be to deal with the immediate and long-term effects of a wrongful death. At The Law Offices of David L. Hood, we work hard to make things simple for you. After a free case evaluation, if we believe we can help you and your family, Wrongful Death Attorney David L. Hood, co-counsel, and our team of experts will vigorously pursue your case to get you the best result we can achieve. Let us put our years of experience to work for you!

*Clients are not liable for any expenses, unless there is a recovery in their case; however, if there is a recovery in their case, clients will be liable for expenses. Attorney’s fees are based on a percentage of the recovery, which will be computed before deducting expenses.

Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Work-Related Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Work-related carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common issue for many people. You’ve probably heard that typing on a computer all day can cause CTS, but a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows many other jobs also put workers at risk for the condition.

Carpal tunnel syndrome afflicts more than 1 in 20 adults in the United States. It is the basis for many workers’ compensation claims. (

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful medical condition that occurs when the median nerve, the major nerve that runs from your forearm to the wrist, becomes compressed or squeezed at the wrist. This nerve controls sensations to the palm side of your thumb and fingers (all except the little finger). It also sends signals to move the muscles around the base of your thumb.

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can include:

  • Numbness, tingling, or pain in your palm, wrist, and/or thumb and the first three fingers of your hand.
  • Pain and burning that travels up your arm.
  • Wrist pain at night that interferes with sleep.
  • Weakness in the muscles of the hand.

Symptoms usually appear for at least a week or may flare up now and then for an extended period of time.

It’s important to notice these symptoms early on. If left untreated, CTS can lead to weakness and lack of coordination in your fingers and thumb.

CTS is often caused by a combination of factors. These can include the anatomy of your wrist, certain health problems, and possibly patterns of hand use.

“Doctors don’t fully understand what produces this swelling or pressure, but it appears that people with a small carpal tunnel are more prone to the disorder.  

Overweight and inactive people are particularly likely to get carpal tunnel syndrome, as are people with endocrine disorders (like diabetes and hypothyroidism) or immune disorders (like arthritis and lupus).” (

“Women are three times more likely than men to develop carpal tunnel syndrome, possibly because they have smaller carpal tunnels to begin with; the hormonal changes that occur during menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and menopause can also make their hands (including the wrist ligaments) more prone to swelling.” (

Repetitive motions like typing or using a mouse, forceful twisting motions (like turning a screwdriver), or vibration (like using a power tool) can increase your chances of developing CTS, especially if you already have one of the risk factors listed above. (

The CDC research showed that the highest rates of CTS were reported in three industries: “manufacturing apparel, processing food, and performing administrative work. Based on the data analyzed, the report states that the industries with the highest CTS rates were textile, fabric finishing, and coating mills (44.9); apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing (43.1); and animal slaughtering and processing (39.8).” (

In 2014, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) investigated the occurrence of injuries at a poultry processing plant in South Carolina. The report showed that 39% of participants in a study group had hand or wrist symptoms.

“The report provided specific recommendations for the South Carolina plant and also lists administrative recommendations that employers can undertake in other industries where CTS occurs at a high rate.” These recommendations include:

  • Employ a job rotation schedule in which employees rotate between jobs that use different muscle groups that are below the recommended levels of hand activity and force.
  • Provide multiple breaks during the workday, possibly hourly breaks.
  • Encourage employees to report symptoms as soon as possible.
  • Encourage employees to follow up with their doctor if they are found to have an abnormal nerve conduction test result.
  • Develop procedures for employees to provide information and feedback on work equipment and procedure modifications.
  • Add specific information about working height recommendations and adjustable stands to the employee safety training.
  • Provide training regarding proper setup of work equipment.


Fortunately, there are several ways to treat CTS:

  • Rest and Ice: Taking breaks from repetitive tasks and icing your wrist can reduce swelling.
  • Wrist Splints: Wearing a splint at night can keep your wrist in a neutral position.
  • Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help ease symptoms.
  • Exercises: Stretching and strengthening exercises can help manage CTS.
  • Ergonomic Adjustments: Ensuring your workstation is set up ergonomically can also provide significant relief.
  • Steroid Injections: Decreases inflammation and pressure on the nerve.

In some cases, if your symptoms are severe, surgery may be considered as a treatment option.

Bon Secours in Greenville is now offering UltraGuideCT, which utilizes technology developed by physicians at the Mayo Clinic. “This new technology allows the physician to perform CTR through a small incision, which can typically be closed with an adhesive strip or bandage instead of sutures. The procedure can also be performed in an outpatient setting utilizing local anesthesia and has been associated with reduced pain and rapid recovery. Most patients return to normal activity in three to six days.” (

Remember, if you’re experiencing CTS symptoms, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional. They can provide you with the best advice and treatment options for your specific situation.

Stay healthy and take care of your wrists!

The Law Offices of David L. Hood have been fighting for the rights of injured workers in North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, Murrells Inlet, Greenville, Georgetown, Charleston and all across South Carolina for over 30 years. If we believe we can help you, our dedicated team will strive to take care of your claim professionally and treat you with respect. Over the years we and our co-counsel have represented hundreds of injured workers and their families, working hard to get them the medical treatment and compensation they deserve. Don’t you deserve 5-star representation?

To learn more about what we can do for you, contact our offices to set up a free initial consultation. If you choose to work with us, we will handle your case on a contingent fee basis, which means you pay nothing unless we make a recovery for you. To get in touch with us, you can call our offices at (843) 491-6025 or email us here.

Other online resources used for this article:

Product Defects

Is Melatonin Safe for Children?

Is melatonin safe for children? That depends. It can be safe when used correctly and under a doctor’s guidance. It’s crucial to understand the potential risks, like poisoning and toxicity, and to recognize the signs.

Before we discuss its safety, let’s understand what melatonin is. Melatonin is a hormone that your body naturally produces. It helps regulate your sleep cycle, telling your body when it’s time to sleep and wake up. Sometimes, people take melatonin supplements to help with sleep issues, like having trouble falling to sleep or having trouble staying asleep for the night.

Melatonin is sold over the counter as a dietary supplement and sleep aid. You can buy it without a prescription at most stores and health food stores. Because it is considered a dietary supplement, melatonin is not regulated or approved for sleep by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Did you know that after multivitamins, melatonin is the most popular “natural” product given to children? (

Research published in JAMA Pediatrics found that “Regular use of Melatonin to help kids sleep has become “exceedingly common.” 19% of adolescents are taking Melatonin. In addition, 6% of preschool children ages 1 to 4 and 18% of elementary school kids 5 to 9 are being given melatonin by their parents as a sleep aid…” (

The tricky part is that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The right amount can depend on age, weight, and individual health. That’s why it’s important to talk to a doctor before giving melatonin to a child.

Also, because melatonin is not regulated by the FDA, actual dosages can differ from what the packaging label says.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association had researchers analyze 25 gummy products with melatonin on the label. Most contained at least 74% more melatonin than on the label. Some contained over 300% more than what was listed on the label!

Only 3 of the 25 products analyzed had a melatonin amount within 10% of what was listed on the package.

Melatonin poisoning is a serious issue for children. Here, poisoning means overdosing on melatonin, whether intentional or unintentional. Children’s bodies are smaller and react differently to supplements than adults. When a child takes too much melatonin, it can cause problems.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a study in June of 2022 which showed that there was an increase in melatonin overdoses in kids between 2012 and 2021.

During that time period, there were, “260,000 cases of suspected overdose of melatonin reported to Poison Control across the U.S., which includes more than 4,000 hospitalizations, 300 ICU cases, five cases where kids required ventilation, and two children ages three months and one year died.” (

If a child takes too much melatonin, here are some signs you can look out for:

  • Drowsiness or Sleepiness: This might seem obvious, but excessive sleepiness during the day can be a sign.
  • Headaches: Some kids might experience headaches.
  • Dizziness: Feeling dizzy or unsteady is another possible sign.
  • Stomach Problems: This can include nausea or stomach pains.
  • Mood Changes: Sometimes, too much melatonin can make a child feel moody or have emotional ups and downs.

Remember, these symptoms can vary, and not every child will experience them in the same way.

The term “toxicity” can sound alarming. But in the context of melatonin, it refers to the negative effects of taking too much. Melatonin toxicity isn’t common, but it’s a risk, especially if children take supplements without proper guidance.

The best way to prevent problems is to use melatonin safely:

  • Consult a doctor: Always talk to a healthcare professional before starting melatonin for a child.
  • Follow Instructions: If melatonin is recommended, use it exactly as instructed.
  • Keep it Secure: Store melatonin in a safe place, away from children and teenagers to prevent overuse.

Dr. Karima Lelak, emergency physician at Children’s Hospital of Michigan says, “Parents may think of melatonin as the equivalent of a vitamin and leave it on a nightstand…But really it’s a medication that has the potential to cause harm, and should be put way in the medicine cabinet.”

In the CDC’s ten-year study, of the 4000 children hospitalized for melatonin overdose, most were teenagers. Some of these were believed to be suicide attempts.

Before resorting to medicines or supplements, here are some tips the Sleep Foundation recommend to help your restless child get to sleep.

Practice proper sleep hygiene:

  • Create a consistent bedtime routine.
  • Set a bedtime.
  • Limit use of electronics close to bedtime. “Mobile devices, TVs, and tablets emit a type of blue light that suppresses melatonin…Screen time also stimulates the brain, making it harder to wind down for sleep. Electronic devices should be kept out of the bedroom and ideally not used within one hour of bedtime.”
  • Make sure your child gets exercise every day.
  • No caffeine within 6 hours of bedtime.

Create the perfect sleep setup:

  • Keep the temperature cool, not stuffy.
  • Keep noise and light at good sleep levels.

If nothing you try works, contact your child’s pediatrician.

Dr. Deborah Greenhouse, a pediatrician in Columbia, SC said children who can’t sleep shouldn’t be given a pill to fall asleep. She advises parents to discuss sleep issues with their child’s pediatrician before reaching for the medicine cabinet. There may be an underlying issue that’s keeping a child from sleeping. “Melatonin can be one of the tools in our tool box,” she said. “It shouldn’t be the only tool, and it shouldn’t be the tool you use first.” (

Is melatonin safe for children? Always prioritize safety and consult healthcare professionals when considering melatonin for sleep issues in children.

Charleston area
MUSC Children’s Health Sleep Disorders Program

Columbia area
Prisma Health Children’s Hospital Sleep Center

Greenville area
Prisma Health Children’s Hospital Sleep Medicine

If you or a loved one has been injured by a recalled or defective product, schedule a free consultation with attorney David L. Hood by calling (843) 491-6025 or filling out our brief online contact form.

We know how difficult it can be to deal with the effects of product defect-related injuries and the untold pain and suffering they cause. At The Law Offices of David L. Hood, we work hard to protect your rights and make things simple for you and your family so you can focus on healing.

After a free case evaluation, if we think we can help you and your family, attorney David L. Hood, co-counsel, and our team of experts will vigorously pursue your case to get you the best result we can achieve. Let us put years of experience to work for you!

*Clients are not liable for any expenses unless there is a recovery in their case; however, if there is a recovery in their case, clients will be liable for expenses. Attorney’s fees are based on a percentage of the recovery, which will be computed before deducting expenses.

Other online resources used for this article:

Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Medical Record Errors Can Be Dangerous

Medical record errors can be dangerous, even deadly! What’s so big about a small mistake in a medical record? It turns out, little errors can lead to huge problems.

Why is it so important to have access to your medical records, and to pay close attention to what is contained in them?

Here’s a scary statistic: “The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology estimates that nearly 1 in 10 people who access records online end up requesting that they be corrected for a variety of reasons.”

The best-case scenarios are those in which the errors don’t actually cause any damage, like incorrect contact information for a patient, causing bills to be sent to the wrong address. Your family history may not be conveyed accurately, or maybe the records reflect a service a patient never received, for example, a stress test.

The worst-case scenario is an incorrect diagnosis or a delayed diagnosis which could result in death.

“Omissions from medical records – allergies that aren’t noted, lab results that aren’t recorded, medications that aren’t listed – can be equally devastating.” (

Believe it or not, small errors in medical records can lead to huge health problems. Following are several real-life examples of what can potentially happen if you don’t retrieve and check your medical records:

Liz Tidyman’s elderly father had a fall and went to the hospital. Tidyman began looking at her father’s medical records and found “pages and pages of notes that referred to a different person with the same name – a person whose medical conditions were much more complicated and numerous than my father’s,” she said. (CNN Health)

Ms. Tidyman removed the pages with the errors and made a mental note to thoroughly check medical records in the future.

Later, her father’s doctors started asking about kidney cancer. Tidyman reviewed the records from her father’s recent ER visit and noticed that “renal cell carcinoma” (kidney cancer) was listed instead of “basal cell carcinoma” (skin cancer) – an illness her father had mentioned when explaining his medical history.

In another case, Pat Sheridan had surgery to remove a mass in his neck. The neurosurgeon reassured him that the tumor was benign, although he had yet to see the pathology report. In actuality, the pathology report showed he had synovial cell sarcoma (a type of cancer).

Six months later, Pat returned to the hospital in distress. The pathology omission was discovered at this time, but it was too late. The cancer had metastasized to his spinal canal, and he died 2 ½ years later. Pat’s death probably could have been prevented, if not for the delayed diagnosis.

In another instance, Dave deBronkart’s mother had to go for rehabilitation after a hip replacement. The records that accompanied her showed that she had an underactive thyroid when in fact she had an overactive thyroid. Thankfully, her family noticed the mistake and set the record straight to prevent her from being given the wrong medications.

It’s easy to see what kind of problems medical record errors like this can cause.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPAA) of 1996 states that a patient has the right to obtain most of his/her medical records, in either electronic or paper form. (

“These include doctor’s notes, medical test results, lab reports, and billing information.” (

Ask for a request for medical records form at your doctor’s office. They should provide you with a form. Fill it out and return it back there, or deliver by fax, postal service, or email.

HIPAA requires, “… a covered entity must provide access to the [Protected Health Information] PHI no later than 30 calendar days from receiving the individual’s request.”

Keep a copy of your original request. If you have not received the documents within the 30 days, contact the provider, to be sure they have your request. If you fail to receive the records after repeated attempts, contact The SC Department of Health and Environmental Control at  803-898-DHEC (3432).

South Code of Law Section 44-115-120 states, “Physicians shall retain their records for at least ten years for adult patients and at least thirteen years for minors.”

Sometimes there is a charge for medical records. Price can vary but must be reasonable. In The Palmetto State, South Carolina Code of Laws Section 44-115-80 states that a physician, “may charge a fee for the search and duplication of a paper or electronic medical record,” up to a maximum amount allowed by this law.

What is an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system? Imagine a huge digital library that stores all the info about your health – like your doctor’s visits, any allergies you have, the medicines you take, and even the results from your last physical. EHRs are like a one-stop shop for doctors and nurses to find everything they need to know about your health. They’re useful because they make sharing your health information between different doctors a breeze.


  • Quick Access – Doctors can quickly get your health info.
  • Better Coordination – Different doctors can coordinate your care more easily.
  • Less Paperwork – Say goodbye to filling out the same forms over and over!


  • Possible Errors – Sometimes, mistakes in typing or uploading info can happen.
  • Technical Issues – Like any computer system, EHRs can have glitches or crashes.

“Most providers will agree to correct factual errors or track down reports that should have been maintained in your file…if you believe that that the refusal of a correction is unjust or places you in harm’s way, submit a complaint to the OCR [Office of Civil Rights] detailing the dispute. They can review the evidence and decide if the correction is warranted.” (VeryWellHealth)

In the world of health care, accurate medical records are like gold. They help doctors take better care of us. But it’s up to us to make sure they’re correct. Always remember to check your records and speak up if you find an error.

If you or someone you care about has suffered because of medical negligence, please schedule your free consultation by calling the Law Offices of David L. Hood at (843) 491-6025 or filling out our brief online contact form.

We know how difficult it can be to deal with the immediate and long-term effects of a serious malpractice-related injury. At The Law Offices of David L. Hood, we work hard to make things simple for you. After a free case evaluation, if we believe we can help you and your family, Medical Malpractice Attorney David L. Hood, co-counsel, and our team of experts will vigorously pursue your case to get you the best result we can achieve. Let us put years of experience to work for you!

*Clients are not liable for any expenses, unless there is a recovery in their case; however, if there is a recovery in their case, clients will be liable for expenses. Attorney’s fees are based on a percentage of the recovery, which will be computed before deducting expenses.

Other helpful resources:

Your medical records rights in South Carolina (HIPAA):

The Guide to Getting & Using Your Health Records:

Personal Injury Attorney

Hunting Accidents in South Carolina

Hunting Accidents in South Carolina are rare, but unfortunately, they do happen.

The Palmetto State is a hunter’s paradise! South Carolina offers a lot of opportunities to hunters: vast forests, numerous wildlife management areas, and diverse wildlife. From deer and turkey to waterfowl and small game, there’s something for every type of hunter.

But, there’s a serious side to hunting. With so many people participating, accidents can happen. Just like in any other outdoor sport, things can go wrong.

No one likes to think about accidents, but they happen. When we talk about hunting accidents, we’re usually referring to unintentional injuries or, sadly, deaths that occur during hunting. Accidents or deaths can be caused by:

  • mistaken identity (like mistaking a person for an animal)
  • accidental discharge of firearms
  • falls from tree stands
  • drowning

The good news is that these incidents are relatively rare, thanks to strict safety regulations and hunter education. However, it’s important to always follow safety rules:

  • Know the area you’re hunting in.
  • Know and obey all wildlife laws.
  • Make sure someone knows where you’re going, and when you plan to return.
  • Check all of your equipment beforehand and make any repairs that are needed.
  • Make yourself (and anyone with you, including your hunting dog) visible to other hunters.
  • Practice all gun safety rules.
  • Know and practice tree stand safety.
  • Stay aware of other hunters – never shoot at sound or movement. Assume it is another hunter unless you can clearly see the animal.

The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) provides information on firearm safety here.

To hunt in South Carolina, you need a license. If you’re younger, you might need to be accompanied by an adult. It’s also crucial to know the hunting seasons and regulations, which you can find on the SCDNR website here. Remember, these rules are there to keep everyone safe and to protect wildlife populations.

Hunting accident deaths are extremely rare in South Carolina, but it does happen. Per the SC DNR statistics, in 2022, South Carolina had 24 hunting incidents. One of those was fatal. (

So far in 2023, there have been 2 fatal hunting accidents, according to the SC DNR. (

Most recently, on November 24, 2023, 6-year-old Avery Davis was accidentally shot in the head in a hunting accident in Orangeburg, SC. Sadly, he died the next day. (

Avery was in a tree stand “and appears to have been struck by a stray shotgun pellet from a shooter on the ground.” (

Deer hunting is especially popular in South Carolina. It’s exciting and challenging, and it helps manage the deer population, which is important for the environment.

Did you know there’s a new law in SC, involving the deer harvest reporting process?

“Starting at the beginning of July 2024, hunters will have to electronically report deer they’ve killed…This helps the state ensure hunters stay within their legal limits…It’s all about managing the population.” For more information on this new law, read The State newspaper article here.

Safety becomes even more important with deer hunting. Why? Because deer hunting often involves firearms or bows, and sometimes hunters are in tree stands, which can be risky if not used correctly.

To stay safe while deer hunting, always let someone know where you’re going and when you’ll be back. Use a harness when in a tree stand, handle your firearm or bow safely, and always be aware of your surroundings. Plus, wearing the right gear, like blaze orange, helps other hunters see you.

Hunting can be a great adventure. But like any adventure, it’s important to be prepared and knowledgeable. Being a responsible hunter means respecting nature, following the rules, and ensuring everyone’s safety. By understanding the risks and following safety guidelines, you can help prevent accidents and enjoy a safe hunting experience. So, grab your gear, follow the rules, and happy hunting! Remember, safety first makes every hunting trip a better one.

Here at The Law Offices of David L. Hood, we have over 30 years of experience representing injured victims in South Carolina. We offer a free initial consultation so we can listen to your story and provide candid advice about what your legal options are. If you choose to hire us, we also work on a contingent fee basis. This means you don’t pay fees or expenses unless we achieve a settlement or win your case in court.

If you or a loved one has recently been injured in a hunting accident, or any other accident that was not their fault, contact The Law Offices of David L. Hood at (843) 491-6025, or fill out our brief online contact form, and we’ll get in touch to schedule your free consultation. We know an accident can turn a person’s life upside-down, but we’re here to support you and guide you at every step in your journey toward justice and healing.

Other online resources used for this article:

Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Doctors Abusing Drugs: A Serious Concern

Doctors abusing drugs: a subject that might sound surprising because doctors are the ones who help us when we’re sick. But, just like anyone else, doctors can face challenges too, and sometimes, those challenges involve drug abuse.

When we think of doctors, we often picture people who are super knowledgeable about health and always ready to help others. But doctors are human too, and they can struggle with the same problems as everyone else, including drug abuse. In fact, the most common cause of impairment in physicians is addiction.

Doctors are more likely to misuse prescription drugs than their patients, studies suggest. “An estimated 10 percent of health care professionals abuse drugs — about the same rate as the general public.” (

Addiction in medical professionals is especially tricky and scary because it can not only affect the doctor’s health but also their ability to care for patients safely.

Doctors abuse drugs for various reasons:

  • Increased drug availability, making them easily accessible
  • To relieve stress
  • Pain Management
  • To treat anxiety and depression
  • Recreational Use
  • To avoid withdrawal symptoms from other substances

A study published in the Journal of Addictive Diseases compared drug use by different types of doctors, and found that psychiatrists and emergency room doctors use drugs the most, surgeons the least.

“The study also revealed:

  • Emergency room doctors used the most illicit drugs
  • Psychiatrists used the most benzodiazepines (like Valium & Xanax)
  • Pediatricians had low rates of drug use
  • Surgeons had low rates, except for tobacco smoking
  • Anesthesiologists had high rates of opioid abuse


A 2012 study found 15.4% of surgeons suffered from alcohol abuse. Female surgeons were more likely to exhibit symptoms of alcohol addiction than male surgeons. “The consequences of the alcohol problems were frightening. Surgeons who reported feeling burned out or depressed were the most likely to have an alcohol use disorder, as were surgeons who reported making a major medical error within the previous three months.” (

  • Smell of alcohol
  • Excessive sweating
  • Slurred speech or tremors
  • Difficulty walking
  • Lack of coordination
  • Memory impairment

A 2010 study showed that 17% of 1,891 physicians who were surveyed knew of an impaired or incompetent doctor within the past three years. However, only 67% reported their colleagues to the proper authority. Physicians working in small practices are even less likely to report an incompetent colleague.

Reasons doctors gave for not reporting:

  • They thought someone else was doing it
  • They believed their reporting would not make a difference
  • Fear of retribution
  • They didn’t think it was their responsibility
  • They didn’t want their colleague to get in trouble
  • They didn’t know how to report it

In most states, addicted physicians can get help through a confidential Physician Health Program (PHP), which allows them to seek help without disclosing their identity to the National Practitioner Data Bank. Studies report that PHP’s are more successful than alternative plans. PHP’s offer a “full continuum of care and a detailed treatment plan backed by support groups such as AA or NA.” (, ) The program is usually five years in duration, and is open to residents, nurses, physician assistants, dentists, pharmacists and veterinarians.

Physicians can return to work, “with proper monitoring, a solid addiction recovery program and enrollment in a PHP.” The PHP will ensure compliance by a physician using a contract.

The good news is a Mayo Clinic Study shows that physicians in recovery have between 74% and 90% abstinence rates. This is most likely due to their determination to keep their license.

It’s important to remember, most doctors are dedicated professionals who work hard to take care of their patients. However, doctors can face challenges and need support, just like the rest of us. Drug abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of how educated or successful one is.

If you or someone you care about has suffered because of medical negligence, please schedule your free consultation by calling The Law Offices of David L. Hood at (843) 491-6025 or filling out our brief online contact form.

We know how difficult it can be to deal with the immediate and long-term effects of a serious malpractice-related injury. At The Law Offices of David L. Hood, we work hard to make things simple for you. After a free case evaluation, if we believe we can help you and your family, Medical Malpractice Attorney David L. Hood, co-counsel, and our team of experts will vigorously pursue your case to get you the best result we can achieve. Let us put years of experience to work for you!

*Clients are not liable for any expenses, unless there is a recovery in their case; however, if there is a recovery in their case, clients will be liable for expenses. Attorney’s fees are based on a percentage of the recovery, which will be computed before deducting expenses.

Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Homeschooling on the Rise in South Carolina

Homeschooling is on the rise in South Carolina, and it’s changing the way many kids and teens in the state are learning.

Technology and the internet have made homeschooling more accessible and varied, offering courses and learning experiences that might not be available in traditional schools.

Homeschooling means getting your education at home instead of going to a traditional public or private school.

In the US, homeschooling may be the fastest growing form of education.

The Washington Post set out to find answers on why this boom has taken place. The Home-School Nation project is based on data from 32 states and the District of Columbia. The data represents over 60% of school age children in the US.

In 390 of the districts surveyed: For the 2021-22 school year, out of every 10 children in public schools, there was at least one child being homeschooled. “That’s roughly quadruple the number of districts that had rates that high in 2017-18.” (

The National Home Education Research Institute’s (NHERI) latest data shows that in 2019, there were approximately 2.5 million students being homeschooled. But in 2021-22, there were closer to 3.1 million children being homeschooled. “The homeschool population had been growing at an estimated 2% to 8% per annum over the past several years, but it grew drastically from 2019-20 to 2020-21.” (

A Washington Post-Schar School poll asked homeschooling parents the question, “Thinking about some specific reasons, did your family choose to home-school this child because…”

The top five reasons were:

  • Concern about school environment
  • To provide moral instruction
  • Dissatisfaction with academic instruction at schools
  • Concern about school shootings
  • Concern about bullying

Some of the other reasons ranged from the child having special needs (behavioral or otherwise) that couldn’t be met at a brick-and-mortar school, to parents wanting to provide religious instruction.

In South Carolina, families have been choosing homeschooling more and more for its flexibility and the ability to tailor the learning to each student’s needs.

We have seen a huge increase in the number of families choosing to homeschool in the last few years. “Out of the 32 states and the District of Columbia from which The Washington Post was able to collect data, South Carolina ranked 18th for the growth rate of home schooling.” In The Palmetto State, the number of children being homeschooled since the 2017-18 school year has increased by 49%! In Anderson, SC there was a 373% increase! (

3.6% of all students in SC are homeschooled, according to the National Home Education Research Institute.

In South Carolina, homeschooling doesn’t mean you’re just on your own. There are laws and guidelines to make sure homeschooled students get a solid education. For example, you need to learn certain subjects and get a certain amount of instruction each year. But within those rules, there’s a lot of room to customize how and what you learn.

Families might use online courses, textbooks, community resources, or even get together with other homeschooling families to share experiences and lessons. It’s a bit like building your own adventure in learning.

Homeschooling can be pretty awesome. Students often get one-on-one attention, can learn at their own pace, and explore subjects they’re really interested in. They might also have more flexible schedules, which can be great for traveling or pursuing hobbies and sports more seriously.

But it’s not all easy. Homeschooling can be a lot of work for parents, who are often the teachers, too. And some students might miss the social side of traditional schools, like extracurricular activities or just hanging out with a big group of friends at lunchtime.

As homeschooling continues to grow in South Carolina, we might see even more resources and support for families who choose this path. Technology will likely play a big role, with more online classes and learning tools becoming available. And who knows? The way we think about school and learning might keep changing in exciting ways.

So, whether your children are homeschooled, in public school, or private school, remember learning can happen anywhere and everywhere. It’s all about finding what works best for you!

Whether your child is homeschooled, in Montessori, public or private school, the need for emergency rooms and hospitals that are specifically geared to handle children is critical information for all families in South Carolina. To learn more, check out our blog Pediatric Emergency Care is Lacking in America.

If your child is the victim of a tragic accident which wasn’t their fault, contact The Law Offices of David L. Hood for your free, confidential initial consultation. We also focus on medical malpractice and wrongful death cases. With 18 locations across South Carolina to serve you, we’re never too far away. Contact us today. To get in touch with us, you can call our offices at (843) 491-6025 or email us here. There’s no obligation – You have questions, we have answers!

Mesothelioma Attorney

Asbestos Secondary Exposure

Asbestos secondary exposure causes Mesothelioma Cancer just as primary exposure does.

The only known cause of Mesothelioma Cancer is exposure to asbestos fibers. Therefore, the majority of Mesothelioma cases are due to occupational asbestos direct exposure. “Any amount of asbestos exposure is considered dangerous, even for those who do not directly work with or come into contact with the toxin.” (Mesothelioma + Asbestos Awareness Center)

Due to the way secondary exposure to asbestos happens, it is the most serious health risk for women and children.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos, “a fibrous mineral, either amphibole or chrysotile, formerly used for making incombustible or fireproof articles,” has been used in the United States for decades, and at one time could be found in many products.(

Some of these old asbestos-containing products still exist in many old homes and buildings. Ranging from brake pads to insulation, these products continue to cause dangerous exposure.

Asbestos Primary Exposure

Primary exposure happens when a person comes directly in contact with asbestos. For example, someone who worked in a factory that used asbestos, or in construction before it was known how dangerous asbestos is.

Asbestos Secondary Exposure

Secondary exposure is when those NOT directly working with asbestos are exposed, usually by living with someone who has been exposed to asbestos at work.

Imagine this: A worker in an old building is taking apart walls for a renovation. Asbestos used in the building’s construction gets disturbed and tiny fibers are released into the air. The worker might not see them since the fibers are so small, but they stick to his clothes and hair.

When he goes home, the asbestos fibers come with him. If he hugs his kids or they play with his tools, they can breathe in those tiny fibers. If his wife then washes his clothes, she breathes in the fibers as well.

The fibers can also get spread throughout the house, as well as embedding in furniture, for everyone else to breathe them in.

This domestic exposure increases the risk of mesothelioma cancer. “Historical data shows cases of both pleural mesothelioma (which develops in the lung linings) and peritoneal mesothelioma (which develops in the abdominal linings) from exposure to contaminated work clothes.”

Non-occupational exposure may explain about 20% of the mesothelioma cases in industrialized countries.

Asbestos Secondary Exposure in Women

Research shows that women are the most likely to be impacted by secondhand asbestos exposure. “In one study, 64% of the female participants were exposed to asbestos through household exposure, environmental exposure or both. Only 12% of the male patients in the study had secondary asbestos exposure.”

Asbestos Health Effects in Women

In female patients, the effects of asbestos exposure are different than in male patients. Women are more likely to develop peritoneal mesothelioma (cancer of the abdomen). And they typically have longer latency periods (amount of time between exposure and symptoms) than their male counterparts.

Asbestos Exposure Symptoms in Females

Symptoms are also different in females. A study of patients of pleural mesothelioma between 2000 and 2017 found that 82% of females presented with cough. Only 33% of male patients had a cough. Only 28% of male patients experienced chest pain, while 73% of females had chest pain.

Research found that female patients have a worse prognosis than male patients, because of the longer latency periods and differing symptoms. Only 27% of female patients had a one-year survival rate, while 39% of male patients reached the one-year mark.

Because malignant mesothelioma is mostly found in men, women sometimes experience gender bias during their diagnostic process. This may also lead to a shorter survival rate.

Younger Mesothelioma Patients

Due to secondary exposure, younger patients are being diagnosed with mesothelioma. “Studies have found younger patients often have a longer latency period, which can hinder diagnosis and result in fewer treatment options and a poor life expectancy.”

It’s still not clear what problems are caused by childhood exposure to secondhand asbestos. Researchers are not sure if it’s the exposure at a younger age, or the prolonged exposure that later causes asbestos disease. However, they do know that regardless of age, prolonged exposure puts anyone at higher risk of eventually developing mesothelioma.

Prognosis and Secondary Exposure

More often than not, secondary asbestos exposure results in pleural mesothelioma, the most common form of mesothelioma. Research shows that patients with secondary exposure and patients who have acquired mesothelioma through occupational exposures have similar asbestos concentrations in the lungs.

Due to the fact that patients with secondhand exposure may not even realize they have come into contact with asbestos, doctors have a harder time determining an accurate diagnosis for them.

Those who were exposed on the job may face failure to diagnose as well. But there’s a good chance doctors will come to the correct conclusion when discussing the patient’s work history.

As with any type of cancer, early detection of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases is imperative for a better prognosis, and for the patient to have more treatment options.

Employer Regulations

“Secondary asbestos exposure is less common today than it was decades ago,” due to stricter employer regulations (

  • Employers must provide workers with facilities to change out of contaminated clothing before leaving work.
  • Employers are required to provide shower facilities for workers, so they can wash any residual asbestos off of their skin and hair.
  • Employers must clean contaminated work clothes using special laundering services, instead of employees washing their own contaminated clothing.

Environmental Risks

Secondary environmental exposure, like secondary exposure caused by workers bringing home asbestos fibers, usually occurs at a lower concentration than direct exposure. Because of the similarities, both types result in similar development of asbestos cancer. And patients normally experience longer latency periods in both.

Researchers are trying to better understand environmental exposure risks. When looking at only environmental exposure, studies show that the gender gap closes significantly, with incidence rates equal among women and men. Both “may experience longer latency periods, resulting in more late stage diagnoses.”

A South Carolina Landmark Lawsuit: Mesothelioma Death Due to Secondary Exposure

Among other landmark secondary exposure cases, “In 2021, a South Carolina jury awarded $32 million to Robert Weist. He is the surviving spouse of Kathy Weist, who died of mesothelioma through secondary exposure to asbestos. Mr. Weist unknowingly brought asbestos home through his work at a processing plant. Mrs. Weist was also exposed through her father and uncle, who both worked with asbestos products from the 1960s through the 1980s.” (

Asbestos Exposure Intervention

Being knowledgeable of the elevated risks will improve patient prognosis, through early intervention. Hopefully, now that researchers realize the amount of Americans who develop mesothelioma through inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers in their environment, more will be done to prevent exposure.

The Law Offices of David L. Hood – Representing the Injured and Mesothelioma Victims in South Carolina

The Law Offices of David L. Hood and co-counsel have been fighting for the rights of injured mesothelioma victims (and their families) in North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, Murrells Inlet, Georgetown, Charleston and all across South Carolina for over 30 years. We have a dedicated team that will strive to take care of your claim professionally and treat you with respect.

Over the years we’ve represented thousands of disabled & injured workers working hard to get them the medical treatment and compensation they deserve. If you or a family member has suffered from primary or secondary exposure to Mesothelioma or just have questions about a possible case, let us know. We’re here to help. And we have 18 locations throughout South Carolina to serve you.

To learn more about what we can do for you and to get answers to your questions, contact one of our offices to set up a free initial consultation. If you choose to work with us, we will handle your case on a contingent fee basis, which means you pay nothing unless we make a recovery for you. To get in touch with us, you can call our offices at (843) 491-6025 or email us here. You have questions – we have answers!

Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Workplace Fatalities in South Carolina

Workplace fatalities in South Carolina were up in 2021, totaling 107 deaths, according to the latest data by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The majority of workplace deaths in South Carolina are transportation incidents, followed by violence and other injuries by persons or animals and falls, slips, and trips.

What are Workplace Fatalities?

A workplace fatality is when someone dies due to an accident or incident that happens at their job. These could be because of falls, machine accidents, or even things like fires.

What is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a safety net for people who get injured at work. If someone gets hurt or sick because of their job, this system helps them get medical care and a portion of their wages while they recover.

Workers’ Compensation Survivor Benefits

When a worker in South Carolina dies because of a work-related incident, their family or dependents may be entitled to certain benefits: survivor benefits. It’s a way to help families who’ve lost a loved one.

These benefits can include:

  • Payment for Burial Costs: This helps cover the expenses of funerals and burials.
  • Compensation for Dependents: If the person who passed away was providing for their family, this benefit ensures that the family gets some financial support.
  • Medical Expenses: If the worker had any medical bills before they passed away, workers’ comp might help cover those costs.

How Do Families Apply?

If someone’s family member dies due to a workplace incident in South Carolina, they should reach out to a lawyer or the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission. They’ll help guide the family through the process of applying for these benefits.

Staying Safe at Work

It’s essential to always be aware and stay safe. In South Carolina, many of these workplace injuries occur with construction and extraction workers and tractor-trailer drivers. These workers are exposed to high-risk work environments. Remember:

  • Always follow safety guidelines.
  • If something feels dangerous, speak up!
  • Learn about your rights as a worker.

Workplace fatalities are tragic events, and it’s essential for families to know about the support they can receive if the worst happens. Remember to prioritize safety and know your rights.

Let’s hope for a future where workplace accidents become rarer, and everyone can go to their jobs without fear. Stay informed, stay safe, and always look out for one another!

The Law Offices of David L. Hood – Representing Injured Workers in South Carolina

Navigating your way through all these areas and the details involved in filing a workers’ compensation claim can be a difficult process. If you’re injured, in pain, and facing financial problems you might naturally miss some important details in your case.

Working with an experienced attorney should make the process much easier for you. Your lawyer should be able to keep up with the insurance company and your employer, and keep your case on track. This will give you time to focus on your recovery instead of stressing out about handling the claim alone.

The Law Offices of David L. Hood has been fighting for the rights of injured workers in North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, Murrells Inlet, Georgetown, Charleston, and all across South Carolina for over 30 years. We have a dedicated team that will strive to take care of your claim professionally and treat you with respect. Over the years we and our co-counsel have represented hundreds of injured workers and their families, working hard to get them the medical treatment and compensation they deserve.

To learn more about what we can do for you, contact our offices to set up a free initial consultation. If you choose to work with us, we will handle your case on a contingent fee basis, which means you pay nothing unless we make a recovery for you. Contact us today for your free, no-obligation, initial consult! Call our offices at (843) 491-6025, or chat, text, or email us here. We’re available 24/7 to serve you!