Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Vacation Weight Gain – How to Avoid It

Vacation weight gain is something we all try to avoid. Whether it’s because we’re relaxing, indulging in a few drinks, or eating delicious foods, vacations always seem to lead to gaining a few pounds. It might feel difficult or overwhelming to stick to healthy choices while on vacation. However, there are a few easy tricks to implement to make doing so a lot easier. So, before hopping on a plane or setting off on a road trip, try these tips to keep the vacation weight off!

Some vacation weight gain can be attributed to rich food causing you to retain water, though water weight isn’t always to blame for the numbers on the scale. The average weight gain over vacations and holidays is anywhere from 0.8 pounds to 2 pounds. Unfortunately, those who are already overweight or obese tend to gain more weight during vacations than others. While one to two pounds might not seem like much, it can be a problem when the weight sticks around. One pound per year leads to a ten-pound weight gain every decade. Holiday and vacation weight is a major contributor to annual excess weight gain. So, what’s the best way to prevent weight gain or to lose any weight gained over vacation?

There are a few simple guidelines to follow to prevent large weight gain on vacation. Try to stick to eating just three meals a day. If you’re enjoying meals out while vacationing, there likely isn’t a need to snack between them. When it comes to eating, try to practice mindfulness. Focus on foods that you might not be able to get at home, such as tropical fruits. Try to pick healthier meal options or treat yourself sparingly. Next, try not to drink too much alcohol. Not only are most alcoholic beverages high in calories, but they also dehydrate you. Having a hangover is not an ideal way to spend your time off! Finally, try to bring one piece of your healthy routine with you on vacation. Hiking, yoga, or strolling along the beach can make a big dent in any calories you consume during the day.

The best way to lose vacation weight is to do so healthily. Unfortunately, this means that it can take more time than initially expected. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are six strategies for successful, long-term weight loss.

Since losing weight takes time and effort, step one is to ensure you’re ready to start your weight loss journey. Be sure that you’re willing to make the commitment to eat healthier and exercise more. Lowering stress can also be useful when making lifestyle changes.

The next step is to find ways to stay motivated, such as writing down your reasons for losing weight. Sometimes, it’s also helpful to have support from others who will inspire you to keep up the hard work. If you want to keep your weight loss goals private, try journaling or tracking your journey in an app. This allows you to review your progress and make changes to your plan as needed.

Step three is to set achievable goals. Goals can be broken down into two categories: action goals and outcome goals. An action goal is a healthy action to help you lose weight, such as walking for thirty minutes a day. An outcome goal is what you want to gain out of your action goal, such as losing ten pounds.

Eating healthier is step four. Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is useful when trying to lose weight since they are high in fiber, and fiber helps you feel fuller. It’s also better to avoid watching TV while you eat; this helps you pay more attention to when you feel full.

Getting active and staying active is step five. Steady aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, is the best way to lose body fat. However, any extra movement during the day helps to burn calories, so small changes can also be helpful. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further from the door in parking lots, and standing while using your phone are all small changes that can make a big difference!

The last step is to change your mindset. The changes you’re making to your lifestyle need to be kept up for the long term. Look carefully at your current bad habits and plan for ways to combat them on your weight loss journey. There will likely be some setbacks along the way, but don’t be discouraged; be ready to start fresh the next day. If you can stick to your healthy lifestyle, the results will be well worth it!

Video: Mayo Clinic Minute, How Vacations May Make You Gain Weight

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy your vacation to the fullest without worrying about extra weight gain. Remember, the goal is to relax and have fun, so don’t stress too much about sticking to a diet. Just make smart choices and enjoy your time off!

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