Video Transcript
Hi, I’m attorney David Hood & I’ve been practicing across the State of South Carolina for over 30 years. Co-counsel and I frequently get asked the question: What is preeclampsia and how could I pursue legal options if I’ve gotten this condition or my baby has this condition and we suffer because of it? That’s what we’re going to cover right now.
What is Preeclampsia?
Preeclampsia is a little known but dangerous condition that affects one in 25 pregnant women.
It’s a complication that causes a pregnant woman’s blood pressure to spike, which can cause severe headaches, changes in vision, nausea or vomiting, impaired liver function, swelling of the hands and face, and shortness of breath.
Untreated, preeclampsia can lead to serious, even fatal complications for the baby or for the mother. However, it is highly treatable if caught early. Quick actions need to be taken, including administering magnesium and delivering the baby by C-section (once the pregnancy is far enough along).
What are the Symptoms?
The first sign of preeclampsia is usually a rise in blood pressure. Sometimes there are no other symptoms; therefore, it’s very important to monitor your blood pressure during pregnancy.
Unfortunately, maternal death rates in South Carolina are high and the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee found that 54% of pregnancy-related deaths in South Carolina are preventable with proper treatment.
Do You Have a Legal Case?
What we have to show legally in South Carolina is that the victim received below the reasonable (or average) standard of care and suffered significant damages that could have been prevented with proper treatment. To file a lawsuit, we’d need to have an expert examine all the medical records and issue an affidavit that, in their opinion, medical malpractice was committed.
If you’re pregnant, please keep a sharp eye on your blood pressure.
I hope this was helpful.