
Personal Injury Attorney in South Carolina

Video: Do I Have a Personal Injury Case
in South Carolina? Part 2

Video Transcription Hi, I’m Attorney David Hood and I’ve been practicing law throughout South Carolina for over 30 years. One area we emphasize is Personal Injury, and people often ask us, “Do I have a good case?” We’ve covered part of that in part 1, and we want to wrap up the rest of that […]

Personal Injury Attorney in South Carolina

Video: Do I Have a Personal Injury Case
in South Carolina? Part 1

Video Transcription Hi, I’m Attorney David Hood and I’ve been practicing law throughout South Carolina for over 30 years. In our practice, we’ve handled a lot of personal injury cases and accident cases, and people ask the question almost every time: Do I have a good case? We’re going to dive into that for you […]

Medical Malpractice Lawyer

What Happens When the Pharmacy Gives You the Wrong Medication?

Getting the wrong medication from the pharmacy and suffering serious harm sounds like a nightmare, but it’s shockingly common:  according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), medication errors cause at least one death every day and injure about 1.3 million people annually in the United States. So what happens when a medication error […]

Motor Vehicle Accidents

What Do I Do If I Have Whiplash After a Car Accident?

What Is Whiplash? Whiplash injuries come from abrupt back-and-forth movement of the head and neck. Whiplash may also be characterized as a neck strain, a neck sprain, or a neck injury, but these terms can refer to other conditions as well. The same back-and-forth motion associated with whiplash can cause other problems too, such as bone fractures, injuries to the discs of the spine, nerve damage, and injuries to the muscles […]

Motor Vehicle Accidents

These 6 Tips Can Help You
After a Car Accident

Even if you’re a careful driver, you can still be a victim of a crash when someone else is at fault. Being in a collision often leads to pain, anxiety, and anger, and the intensity of the experience can cause people to make decisions that may not serve their best interests.  However, if you can […]

Motor Vehicle Accidents

‘Zoom Zombies’ Behind the Wheel

So much has changed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We have all been forced to use our phones and computers more, whether for purchasing goods online, virtually visiting friends and relatives, or virtually meeting with business associates and/or clients. Social distancing guidelines and travel restrictions have given rise to Zoom becoming one of the most […]

Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Occupational Hearing Loss

Most workplace dangers are obvious. One that is not quit as apparent is damaging noise levels. “Some of the most prevalent workplace hazards aren’t seen–they’re heard.” ( According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the most commonly reported workplace-related injury is hearing loss. 22 million Americans are being exposed to harmful noise […]

Medical Malpractice Lawyer Pharmacy Malpractice

Pharmacists: Overworked and Understaffed

Covid-19 has made an already tough situation even tougher. Pharmacists at chain stores are now being pushed more than ever to do more with less. “They’re working faster, filling more orders and juggling a wider range of tasks with fewer staff members at a pace that many say is unsustainable and jeopardizes patient safety.” ( […]

Motor Vehicle Accidents

South Carolina – The Most Dangerous Place to Drive

1.35 million people are killed every year in traffic accidents around the world. In the United States, there were 36,560 deaths resulting from car accidents in 2018. ( Traffic accidents are a leading cause of death for Americans ages 1 through 54. ( Today’s automobiles are smarter and safer than ever, due to advanced safety […]

Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Rising Injury Rates at Automated Amazon Warehouses

These days, a lot of us are staying away from shopping malls and department stores as much as possible to try to stay well. COVID-19 has caused Americans to do more online shopping than ever before. As of June 2020, Statista ranks Amazon the top U.S. company ranked by retail e-commerce sales, with sales estimated […]